Toxicology Lab Billing
Medical billing for toxicology labs can be especially challenging because the billing codes change so often. The high number of changes in the past five years or so has resulted in a significant loss of reimbursements.
Lab staff can’t keep up with all the changes, making it beneficial to outsource laboratory billing to a team that is dedicated only to the revenue cycle—not trying to run a lab too! Our system includes frequently updated software and biller training to keep current with billing codes and payor requirements, so claims are filed rapidly and reimbursement is not held u
Outsourcing Medical Billing to Med Bridge Protects Your Revenue
Med Brdige maximizes client reimbursement by filing clean, error-free claims within a day or two of the time the test was run. When denials are received, we appeal and track each claim to ensure our clients get paid for the work they do.

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Choose the Right Billing Partner
Successful billing for toxicology labs requires securing insurance contracts and staying up to date on the constant additions, deletions, and revisions to toxicology codes. It also demands frequent communication with multiple physicians and facilities to obtain all of the patient data and documentation needed to support the billing claim. And that has to be done quickly—the longer you wait after the date of service to submit a claim, the more difficult it is to get reimbursed. On top of that, you need aggressive, daily denial management.
So You Can Focus on Quality Care
Med Bridge clients are able to focus on patient care and best practices in testing because they can rely on our team to ensure the accuracy and timely filing of claims. Our billers and coders not only stay on top of coding changes and reporting requirements as they happen, but we are also alert for potential issues that could occur in the future. We take pride in our ability to correct and collect on denied claims because we understand that the revenue of our clients’ labs depends on the work we do.